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Enable IPv6 Support in WSL-2
A workaround to enable IPv6 support in WSL-2 using WSL preview's network bridging feature.
Calendar Icon (date post was published) 24 Feb 2022
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How to fix Pocket Casts not showing Podcast Chapters on Android
Why Pocket Casts on Android sometimes does not show chapters for podcasts that should have them included and how to fix this problem.
Calendar Icon (date post was published) 16 Jan 2022
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Traefik Setup with Docker Compose
How to setup the Traefik proxy with Docker Compose. Including basic configuration and automatic Let's encrypt certificate generation.
Calendar Icon (date post was published) 05 Jan 2022
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Docker IPv6 Support
How to enable support of IPv6 inside Docker containers and allow access to IPv6 only ressources.
Calendar Icon (date post was published) 19 Jun 2021
Windows DNS/IP-Address Issues with IPv6
How to fix potential problems with DNS regarding IPv6, especially the problem not getting an IPv6 address assigned.
Calendar Icon (date post was published) 22 Feb 2021
Calibre Web - Setup with Docker (Compose) & Traefik
How to setup Calibre Web with Docker Compose and Traefik as edge router. Calibre Web is a web-tool allowing you to manage your (Calibre) eBook library.
Calendar Icon (date post was published) 28 Dec 2020
Docker & Docker Compose Installation
This guide briefly summarizes how to install Docker and Docker Compose on a Linux/ Ubuntu machine.
Calendar Icon (date post was published) 28 Dec 2020